
Collections Stewardship Southeast has a mission to be with and in service and stewardship of art, sharing knowledge and experience with integrity, excellence, and exuberance. Art is important for our lives, and our collective histories. Working with archives, making work with poetry, photography, sculpture, and concept, offering a diverse approach. Curating and teaching are inherent forms of collaboration and are deeply informed by the objects that surround us. Art can change our perspectives for unknown, yet hopeful futures. On this journey, it is all about the connections we make with others and how we choose to let those connections inform our lives. Art is a conduit for communication, connection, and change. Collections Stewardship Southeast would like to help individuals feel a sense of agency in knowing what part they play as collectors, artists, and purveyors of art.

List of Services

What can Collections Stewardship Southeast provide?

CSSE offers curatorial insight, and collections stewardship to individual clients who are in need of art collections care, management, and further recommendations for future intentions.

Collections Stewardship Southeast is not in the business of selling or appraising as such, but can point you in the right direction. Collections Stewardship Southeast’s specialty is in Photography, but is experienced and versed in other mediums and methods. 

Curating, teaching, collections stewardship, and assistance in the following ways with varying options based upon the needs of the collection, and your personal goals. 

•    •    •

  • Offer institutional, historical, and experiential knowledge
  • Provide informed research and writing methods and content
  • Collections assessment by offering an outlined timeline for goals
  • Temporary or long term collections stewardship support
  • Create condition reports and location or shipping navigation assistance
  • Provide discretion and privacy

  • Documents scanning
  • Research provenance and details related to the artwork
  • Legacy building
  • Make recommendations and/or create nomenclature for home or offsite storage
  • Make recommendations and/or repackage in archival storage materials
  • Make recommendations for conservation services
  • Provide transparent working methods and unique solutions for your budgetary needs

  • Setup a sustainable database for independent and/or ongoing service maintenance
  • Website creation and maintenance
  • Image capturing and cataloging of art objects
  • Information sessions regarding the art you live and work with
  • Utilize a well formed network of experts to assist with nuanced aspects of comprehensive collections 

  • Offer curatorial content, guidance and planning
  • Offer original editorial content and copy, editorial guidance and planning
  • Offer social media and press content, guidance, and planning
  • Offer professional photography services
  • Offer downloadable photo documentation:  installation, events, headshots, family, professional, locations, real estate & more


  • Jane Jackson: The Object Space
  • Mike Gokey: Nonvisible
  • Stephanie Jackson, Henry Owings: Chunklet Music Preservation Project

My History

Felicia E. Gail

Interdisciplinary Artist, Writer, Curator, and owner of Collections Stewardship Southeast

Dear Reader, 

I have worked in the field of art for over twenty years. My background is diverse, and I am experienced in the many lives art can take. I have worked as curator, artist, preparator, registrar, shipper, art handler, programs coordinator, adult workshop educator, university instructor, bicycle mechanic, book procurer, entertainment assistant for bands, set decorator for film, administrative assistant, web and social media designer, editor, writer, and many other positions in service of art and the folks surrounding.

In the late 90s, I started my education as an International Studies and Interdisciplinary Humanities student trying to form a vocabulary for how I perceived the world at large. In the midst of this education, I traveled the United States alone and held opportune jobs all while photographing and writing about the spaces I was privileged to find. I later continued my education while working as a Registrar at Minneapolis College of Art and Design where I attended continuing education, bachelor’s and audited master’s degree courses. I humbly learned from my colleagues as I worked full time as a records keeper. Near my hometown, I later obtained a Bachelor's degree in Art History and Museum Studies from the University of West Florida where I assisted the gallery director. Finally, I earned my Master’s of Fine Art degree in Visual Art where I focused on Photography, Installation, and Writing from Emily Carr University of Art & Design in Vancouver, Canada.

During and after my Master’s education, I taught courses at the university level in the Humanities, Photography, Art History, and Installation. I worked for Presentation House Gallery (now Polygon Gallery) in North Vancouver, BC as a curatorial and gallery assistant. In 2016 I sold most of my own artwork at Red Gate Gallery, shipped my remaining belongings, then rode my motorcycle to Texas before arriving back to Florida.

The draw to be nearer to family was strong, and I eventually accepted the role as Assistant Curator, then Curator of Exhibitions, at the Pensacola Museum of Art, University of West Florida Historic Trust. I was inspired by collections stewardship when participating in the organization of the Glenn Lewis artist archive during my time at Presentation House Gallery and even more so while at UWF working with artist and collector Matty Jankowski in Panama City Beach, Florida. Matty was an older artist from New York who had moved to Florida along with his multi-faceted collection of artwork, books, music, and other ephemera. I was working with him on an exhibition of works inspired by his collection, and a selection was to be on display along with other artifacts and artist’s works. I collaborated with him on cataloging a selection of objects and also with a consultant to understand the nuances of his collection. I exhibited his work at the museum, and he was incredibly happy, spoke to a willing public, and felt valued by his peers. The following year, a hurricane came through and damaged his domicile and his personhood. Already dealing with health issues, Matty passed away soon after. In those moments I was glad for his friendship, and also wished I could have had more time to work with him to better account for all is works, and provide peace of mind in his final days.

Most recently, I spent four years extending my knowledge and experience in Photography by working as Registrar, then Senior Registrar & Inventory Manager, for Jackson Fine Art in Atlanta, Georgia from 2019 - 2023. Folks would often say they wished I could come to their homes and help them with their collections. Listening to that need, and with the generous endorsement and support from my friends, family, and colleagues, Collections Stewardship Southeast began in the Spring of 2023.

Inspired by Matty, I hope Collections Stewardship Southeast can serve individuals and families. As owner, I hope by fitting you and yours with a plan for capability, I can encourage empowerment of knowledge, and provide further access to resources and management. Collections Stewardship Southeast can work with you and your individual needs in forming the best plan ahead. With your permission, Collections Stewardship Southeast can help organize the special objects existing in your care. If you wish to share or pass on to others your perspective on the world, we can accomplish this too.

I believe every artwork has a life unto itself, and we get to be part of its story for the time we have with it. I am thrilled to continue my journey in this new way, and I look forward to working with you and the stories of you and your special collections.



From a recent interview with ShoutOut Atlanta, March 6, 2024

“In April of 2023 I set out to work independently under the business name of Collections Stewardship Southeast, a name to correspond with my desire for serving folks and their special collections whether art, music, writing, photographs, or any other objects of significance with cataloging, database work, writing, curating, photographing, website assistance, and all related aspects of keeping organized and preserving the lives and legacies of precious things.”


Please send a message to request a quote for a project, 

inquire about a collaboration, or simply say hello.



Collections Stewardship Southeast

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